Facial paralysis is the result of a difficult birthing process that may be caused by medical malpractice. While facial paralysis may be present at birth, statistics have shown that about 50% of all sufferers have complete spontaneous recovery within the first 30 days without any treatment or intervention. Another 20% suffering from facial paralysis recover between 1 and 3 months of birth, while another 5-10% recover between 4 and 6 months of birth. This leaves 20% of the group not recovering at all from facial paralysis.
Facial paralysis is caused by pressure on the baby's face during labor or birth. Forceps may cause injury to a baby's facial nerves. In cases where the nerve is merely bruised, the patient with facial paralysis will usually recover within a few weeks. Cases involving more severe nerve damage may necessitate an operation to surgically repair the damaged facial nerves.
Because childbirth can be a complicated process that exposes a baby and a mother to physical harm, doctors must be extremely experienced and ready to adjust to complications that may arise during the childbirth process. Birth injuries resulting in facial paralysis can range from mild to severe, depending on the cause of the injury. Facial paralysis is a condition caused by compression of the facial nerves.
Facial paralysis may be suffered while the infant is still inside of the uterus or while being delivered. Depending on the extent of the compression, the facial paralysis may affect the entire side of the face from the forehead to chin.
Most commonly, facial paralysis will involve just the lower branch of the facial nerve that controls muscles around the lips. Lower branch facial paralysis is more apparent and recognizable when the infant cries.
Since facial paralysis is caused by damaged nerve fiber, and not torn nerve fiber, the infant should completely heal from facial paralysis in 80% of facial paralysis cases. A baby, affected by facial paralysis should be noticeable right after birth. Normal expressions will be displayed differently and sometimes the baby's eyelid on the affected side will not close.
There are some preexisting conditions, as well as certain factors that have been identified to increase the risk of facial paralysis. Since conditions such as facial paralysis can be the result of birth trauma, it is important to identify and decrease risk of suffering birth injuries. Prolonged pregnancies and labor, epidural anesthesia, labors inducing drug use, and larger babies have all been associated with a higher risk facial paralysis. While many of these factors are not commonly associated to facial paralysis, extra caution should be implemented when applicable.
Facial paralysis is usually on one side of the face, but is it not uncommon for both sides to be involved. Most paralyses are a once in a lifetime event, however it is not uncommon for patients to experience multiple attacks. Following the first attack, the facial muscles become weakened, making the patient more susceptible to subsequent attacks. This can be avoided with facial rehabilitation to bulk and strengthen facial muscles.
If your child is suffering from facial paralysis due to medical malpractice, contact Daniel Buttafuoco & Associates today at 1-800-Now-Hurt.
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